Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another year

I am finally about to turn the big:
. Im happy just to have seen another year come. Thank you God!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Just me and God!!!

This has been a really long week for me.  God brought me down to one of my lowest points that I beleive I have ever been, but through him I was still able to find peace through the situation.  Even though I might not have any body on Earth by myside to help me through these times, I know I have God and as far as I am concerned he is all I need.  In times like this you find out who your real friends and who never really was. On the down side of this situation I realized I dont really have anyone physically by me, but on the up side this situation has helped me grow so much closer to God and I would take that relationship over any other relationship.  Its time to make changes, you can either grab my hand and make them with me or you can fall back and let me do me!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Old Friends!!!

It feels good to have that group of friends that you can just let loose and be yourself around.  I hate that they live so far, but its a blessing to know that if I need them they would do everything in there power to be there for me.  I really couldnt ask for anything else.  Whats amazing is after all this time of not seeing eachother, when we do get around eachother its not awkward at all.  Thats what friends is!!!!  LOVING LIFE!!!!